Foreign Exchange
Bespoke FX Solutions
for Corporate and
Private Clients
Whether you're handling global payroll, purchasing property abroad, or sending money internationally, you require a trusted currency exchange parner.
Corporate Clients
By taking the time to understand our clients’ specific objectives and priorities, we minimise the effects of currency fluctuations on their bottom line. Our expertise support businesses in a variety of areas, including but not limited to:
• Paying international suppliers
• International expansion
• Mergers and acquisitions
Private Clients
Transferring large amounts of money overseas can be an intimidating process. Seemingly small fluctuations in foreign exchange rates can dramatically impact the amount you pay. Our expert consultants can support you with:
• Buying or selling a property abroad
• Transferring funds across borders
• Moving pensions or savings internationally
Contract options
We offer a host of bespoke currency contracts to suit your personal needs. Learn more about how we can help manage your foreign exchange requirements.
Spot contract
If funds are available and you would like to exchange them immediately, you can enter into a Spot Contract.
With transactions involving a future payment, or a series of payments over time, a Forward Contract will protect you from adverse market movements throughout your transaction.
Limit order
If you have the time to wait for favourable market movements, you can choose to place a Limit Order.
Stop loss order
A Stop-Loss Order acts as a safety net mechanism, by allowing you to nominate a lower exchange rate that will minimise (“stop”) your losses in the event of a sudden fall in market value.
Purchase Example
Set your budget
We adopt stringent standards of risk management, governance and regulatory compliance to ensure your funds are transferred in the safest way possible.
Set your rate
You agree the price with the vendor for this ideal holiday home. The exchange rate at this time is €1.20 to £1. So you budget to spend this amount.
Avoid surprises
But when you come to complete the deal, you discover the exchange rate has dropped to €1.13 to £1. So, you now suddenly need to find this amount.
We can protect your purchase when buying a property overseas, by locking-in the exchange rate when you agree the price. So, whatever happens in the FX markets won’t derail the sale.
Avoid surprises
But when you come to complete the deal, you discover the exchange rate has dropped to €1.13 to £1.
We can protect your purchase when buying a property overseas, by locking-in the exchange rate when you agree the price.